The Three Values of News


What is the News Value? It’s the value attached to a story that the editors and producers of a news program consider when making a judgment. In this article, we’ll discuss three values in news: impact, exclusivity, and inclusion. We’ll also explore the influences that shape news selection. In addition, we’ll look at a taxonomy of news values. What makes a story “newsworthy”?

Influences on news selection

One study examined the influences on news selection in newspapers. While the early research focused on the subjective judgments of editors, more recent studies have shown that certain factors may influence news selection. The theory of newsworthiness, for example, emphasizes that events have certain characteristics that make them more newsworthy. In addition to the event itself, these factors may also include a journalist’s own behavior or background, the type of newspaper, and the specialization of the newsroom. This research has revealed some important findings, which are discussed below.

Taxonomy of news values

Harcup and O’Neill, who updated their 2001 study in 2016, found that the most effective news organizations incorporate the values of the audience into their reporting. These values can help organizations better adapt to their target audiences’ changing preferences and needs. In the modern media, news organisations are increasingly embracing news values in their reporting and must do so if they want to keep their market share. In particular, they should be more open to audience input and adopt the values of news.


While there is abundant research examining the impact of various news factors, few studies have explored the exact mechanisms underlying these factors. In this study, we examined the influence of several factors on the perceived quality of news stories. We found that the more prominent the news item, the longer it will last and the more likely it is to appear on the front page of a newspaper or in an opening newscast. We also examined the impact of a news story’s length on audience engagement and recall.


There are many ways to use exclusivity in news. Depending on the type of story, an exclusive can be an excellent way to get the word out about a product or service. Exclusives can also build relationships with key journalists and publications, thereby improving your chances of getting coverage. Choosing which outlets to work with will depend on the carefully constructed media strategy of your PR team. A well-calculated exclusive will also attract the attention of bigger media outlets, such as those covering technology.


The Shareability of news is the impact a news item has on readers. Whether the news item is controversial, important, or just plain entertaining, the shareability of an article or headline depends on how quickly and easily people can spread it. An article must be simple, entertaining, unexpected, and triggering to be shared. Many newsrooms have adopted the practice of engaging with analytics, particularly with regard to social media. Traditional news media have short production cycles and strict deadlines, making it difficult to measure the shareability of news articles.


Regardless of the discipline or type, Politics is a broad study that examines how institutions and individuals make and implement decisions in societies. In addition to individual actors, Politics involves an array of spaces, institutions, and activities. Throughout this course, you will learn about institutions, voting behavior, and other topics. You will also learn about the role of public opinion in political decisions. By understanding these concepts, you will better understand the field of Politics.


There is a growing body of research on the role of self-interest in journalism, and it points to the increasing conflict between commercial pressures and journalistic values. Journalists are expected to be impartial and to provide balanced information, but recent studies have indicated that commercial interests are increasingly competing with journalistic standards. Increasing journalistic competition and increasing emphasis on individual brands are both contributing to the conflict. And in the current dynamic information environment, it is difficult for journalists to maintain both a high level of objectivity and to deliver balanced information.