What Is Law New?

The legal field is constantly changing. This makes it a good place for young lawyers to find new opportunities and experiences. However, it can also be difficult for them to keep up with everything going on. One area of practice that is experiencing a lot of growth is law new. It can be a bit hard to define but it usually refers to ways that legal firms can deliver services in different ways than they have in the past. This can be done by finding clients in new areas, embracing technology and creating strategies that are not traditional. This type of practice can be a great way for any firm to generate revenue and increase their client satisfaction.

Local Laws and Rules

The City’s laws and regulations are published in the Official Code of New York City. These documents can be searched by either using our search engine or visiting NYC’s website. You can view the current Official Code of New York City, including its public law (PL) numbers and slip laws, by visiting our search engine or going to the NYC government website.

City agencies that experience a data breach involving persons’ private identifying information must promptly notify them to the Department of Citywide Administrative Services and the Office of Cyber Command. This bill would expand this requirement to require the City to notify these individuals, as well as other affected entities and organizations, if it is reasonable to believe that the data has been accessed, disclosed or used by an unauthorized person.

A city agency may not sell or otherwise disclose the private identifying information of any individual without the consent of the individual. This bill would require that a City agency receive and review a written request from an individual who requests access to his or her private identifying information. The City agency must respond within thirty days of receiving the request.

PL 202 — Student Loan Forgiveness Program Notice

This bill would require that the Department of Citywide Administrative Services prepare a notice to be provided by city agencies to their employees and job applicants regarding the availability of federal and state student loan forgiveness programs. DCWP would publish the notice on its website and make it available to City-agencies and other employers for distribution to their employees and job applicants.

This bill would permit a voter to cast a ballot at a polling station outside his or her assigned precinct, so long as the person resides in the district where the election is held and the voter’s registration records indicate that they do. The ballot would still be counted if the voter’s signature is verified by a witness.