Online Gambling News


Gambling is a term encompassing a number of different games of chance, including sports betting. It is a risky endeavor, and entails wagering something of value on a random event. The person who wagers will receive a prize if their bet wins. However, this does not necessarily mean that it is a legal activity. Depending on your state, there are certain laws that prohibit and regulate different forms of gambling.

In the United States, the Wire Act of 1961 was designed to keep gambling out of the hands of racketeers. However, that law did not apply to digital wagering, meaning that online casinos were able to launch. It is unclear what other legislation will be required to ensure that the industry abides by federal and state law.

Twenty states permit residents to place bets on sporting events through the internet. However, there is a patchwork of regulations in these states. Some allow only online poker sites and others have a limited variety of online gambling options. In fact, New York is still waiting for online gambling to be authorized.

Hawaii is another state with no major gambling entities. The state has a Mormon population and a strong gaming aversion. This makes Hawaii a difficult target for legalizing betting. Despite this, it’s not impossible to imagine that the state will eventually adopt betting. During the regulation session in May, it became apparent that little progress had been made.

The South Carolina legislature has introduced two bills in the last couple of years to make betting on sports a regulated activity. One bill failed, and the other was flirted with. Governor Henry McMaster opposes the proposed legislation.

The state has passed a gambling act that bans gambling on college sports, but it isn’t a complete ban. Some tribes have been able to take bets from residents. There’s also been a recent legal challenge to a tribal sports betting agreement.

The US Supreme Court ruled in favor of sports betting in 2018. Several major sports teams have voiced support for this type of betting, and the polls show that the majority of voters prefer to bet on sports through a legal means. There is a long road ahead for the state to overcome anti-gambling sentiment. The legislature is expected to advance a bill in the coming sessions.

Although North Carolina passed in-person sports betting in 2019, it did not legalize online sports betting. There is a potential for online wagering in 2022, but that is unlikely to happen. Attempts to legalize online wagering were thwarted by confusion over a reworked bill.

Oregon has been a laggard in the battle for sports gambling. While there was limited sports betting legality in the state, it wasn’t until August of this year that casinos started taking bets. There is also a ban on betting on in-state collegiate athletics. This is a huge deterrent to future revenue.

Washington’s gambling law prohibits online gambling advertising. The state does allow mobile wagering. The biggest problem with this is the possibility that the revenue could spill over to the casino industry. It is therefore important to develop legislation to stop this.