Law New

Law new is the legal industry’s transition to customer impact and enhanced experience. It involves delivering legal services with the agility and customer-centricity of business and society at large. It demands internal efficiency – a foundation for paradigm change driven by human adaptation and enabled by technology. It requires a new generation of lawyers and nonlawyers who are multidisciplinary, technologically fluent, culturally diverse, and creative. It reshapes the traditional lawyer-client relationship to become an empathetic, collaborative team focused on problem solving and risk mitigation. It integrates the legal function with cross-functional enterprise business units and industry peers, erasing artificial distinctions between supplier sources.

It is essential that people be informed about the process by which government makes decisions and are able to review the statistics, documents and records which lead to those determinations. The people’s right to know is basic to our democratic system of governance. The law should not thwart this right by concealing information behind a veil of confidentiality and secrecy.

The Courts are fundamental to our democracy and the rule of law. The courts are where citizens go to resolve grievances, to seek justice and redress for wrongs committed by individuals and organizations. They are also where we enforce the rights enshrined in our constitution and laws, including equality before the law. The courts must be able to represent all interests, and they must be free of bias.

Law new is a small part of the overall practice of law, but it is one that should be considered by every firm looking to the future. It can open up entirely new streams of revenue and help firms discover a whole new way to deliver legal services. The idea of law new is a powerful one that all lawyers should take the time to understand and embrace.

23-1105. Student loan forgiveness programs.

This bill would require city agencies to provide notices to employees and job applicants regarding federal and state student loan forgiveness programs. The Department of Citywide Administrative Services would prepare such notices and make them available to city agency employees and job applicants.

23-1106. Disclosure of data breaches involving personal information.

This legislation would amend city law to require city agencies that experience a breach of personal information to promptly disclose such information to the Chief Privacy Officer, the Office of Cyber Command, and the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications; and to affected persons. The bill would align the city’s data breach reporting requirements with those of New York State.

The City of New York is a leader in promoting and encouraging sustainable, healthy eating habits through public education initiatives. The City is taking steps to support these efforts by requiring restaurants and food service businesses to display menu items clearly showing the nutritional content of those items. This bill will further these goals by requiring restaurants and food service businesses to include the nutritional information of all items on their menus, regardless of whether the establishment is required to post such information pursuant to existing law.