Business News

Business is a broad term that can refer to the act of selling or buying goods and services. It can also refer to the activity of operating an enterprise with a goal of making a profit. The word is derived from the latin “busio,” which means occupied. Businesses may be small, local operations such as a grocery store or an ice cream shop or they can be large enterprises such as Google or Apple.

A successful business must make money to stay in operation. If profits are not being earned, the business may need to be sold or closed. This can be a devastating blow to employees and customers, but it is necessary to keep the business alive.

This section of the website covers news about businesses and their activities. It also provides information about how to start and run a business. Business news is often included in newspaper and magazine articles, as well as on radio and television.

The Wall Street Journal is one of the most prominent examples of a business news outlet. Other famous business news outlets include USA Today and the BBC World Service.

Skye Schooley is a staff writer for Business News Daily, writing articles that focus on human resources management issues that small and medium-sized businesses face. She interviews human resources experts and conducts research to create content that helps business owners manage their workforces and improve employee retention and engagement. She has extensive experience in both B2B and B2C content marketing, SEO writing, and product reviews.

Cassie Knudsen oversees the marketing operations for Business News Daily. She collaborates with cross-functional teams to optimize revenue and ensure strategic development of growth marketing campaigns. She has extensive operational and analytical background in hypergrowth companies, with prior experience working in travel, media, and construction industries. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree, specializing in politics and government and language and culture studies.

Eric Noe is the editor-in-chief of Business News Daily, running all editorial content operations. He has 15 years of experience managing digital content teams in traditional and startup environments. His executive management work has spanned global business news, philanthropic social impact campaigns, and brand-building content partnerships. He has a strong interest in the intersection of technology and society and a deep appreciation for the power of storytelling. He lives in Boston with his wife and two cats. He enjoys hiking and listening to music in his spare time.