Types of News and How They Are Selected by Journalists


News is a topic that generates public interest. Some news stories are about ordinary things, while others focus on extraordinary events. This article will examine the various types of stories and how they are selected by journalists. You’ll also learn about the influences that contribute to the selection of news stories and how they affect readers. These factors will help you determine what types of news stories to look for in the future.

Human interest stories deal with usual events

Human interest stories are those that deal with ordinary events, but provoke strong emotions. They may involve crime, death, or a bizarre incident, but the reporter must remain impartial and use appropriate words and terminology. It is important to avoid the use of slang, epithets, or obscenities. The word “murder” should only be used when there is a crime of malice aforethought.

Unusual events create interest

Unusual events are newsworthy because people want to know about them, particularly if they have an impact on their lives. For example, the Watergate Hotel burglary generated white noise on the airwaves until it became apparent who was involved. People are also curious about conflicts and rivalries, so news about these matters can be very important. These conflicts can involve religion, sports, business, human rights violations, outer space, or nature.

Influences on journalistic selection

There are a number of influences that shape journalistic selection. While journalists typically believe their selection is objective, their personal and political beliefs can influence their choice. Moreover, they may choose stories that are more likely to generate an audience’s interest.

Impact of news stories on readers

The impact of news stories on readers is a complex process that depends on a variety of factors. These factors include readers’ preferences and the sources they use. People are drawn to stories that are socially or culturally relevant. They are also interested in issues relating to health, education and environmental protection. However, they tend to shun stories that are clickbait, or articles that are simply written to make the reader feel good about themselves.

Professional model

Scholars have debated the role of advocacy in journalism. Some see advocacy as the opposite of informing; others argue that advocacy and informing are complementary. In addition to the role of advocacy, there are also normative dimensions of journalism, including the importance of objectivity. In this article, we discuss the role of advocacy in shaping journalism content in different regions.

Organizational model

The organizational model for news is an important framework used to analyze news organizations. It maps formal lines of authority, identifies key roles, and highlights key issues and goals. The model was originally proposed by David Manning White in the 1950s, and it credited individual editors with significant power.