The Different Types of News


A news broadcast provides information about recent events. The news is usually broadcast by a newsreader, but sometimes a correspondent gives a special report. The objective is to provide an overview of new and recent events, which may happen anywhere. News can be local, national, international, or any combination. The following are some common types of news.

Soft news

Soft news, also called “soft media”, includes organizations that provide commentary, arts and entertainment. This content may take the form of television programs, print articles and magazines. The goal of these organizations is to spread a variety of ideas. For example, a magazine may cover the arts, while an online news outlet may discuss politics.

Soft news stories usually focus on emotion instead of facts. They can have a happy, sad or inspirational tone. Some examples of soft news include feature stories in network news magazines and tabloids. They may also contain anecdotes or short stories. Some news sources may also include direct quotes from a person involved in a story.

Unplanned, naturally occurring events

The number of unplanned, naturally occurring events in news is growing. These crisis situations are more unpredictable and more severe than ever before. The 2017 Atlantic hurricane season, for example, saw seven named storms land in the U.S., while the wildfire season in 2020 started earlier than expected and ended up being the largest on record. As a result, planning for crises has become increasingly important for companies and organizations.


Timeliness is a central aspect of news reporting. Since the 19th century, it has been a key determinant of the quality of news reporting. New technologies and the introduction of telegraphy radically altered the temporal rhythms of news production. In addition to transforming the way that news was produced and read, this innovation also transformed the relationship between journalists and their audiences. Timeliness became an intrinsic value for journalists and was reified, both internally and externally, through the use of organizational rewards and marketing strategies. It also emphasized the ritualistic nature of news and heightened readers’ expectations.

During the Spanish-American War, President William McKinley installed 20 telegraph lines in his “war room,” which allowed him to keep reporters close to him. These improvements increased his ability to track news from all sides and share his point of view with reporters. Later, President Franklin Roosevelt scheduled major announcements to be transmitted to newspapers at specific times, so that they would appear on the front page. By using this technique, the president sought to keep competing events from dominating the front pages of newspapers.


One of the ways to make a difference in our society is by monitoring news channels. We can learn a lot from them and be more aware of the problems facing us. Positive news can motivate us to act for a better society. On the other hand, negative news can make us less happy and create trouble for ourselves and others.

One factor that can increase the impact of news is the prominence of the news. If a news item features a famous person, then it will be more relevant to many readers. This phenomenon is referred to as the socialization effect, where actions of powerful people will likely have greater consequences for the public. Prominence can influence the way news is chosen, and can be displayed in headlines of news aggregators. It can also be seen in news items that feature famous actors and people.


Relevance is a critical question in journalism, and it is vital for media organizations to understand the process by which news is processed and what audiences value in news. To understand the different aspects of relevance, ethnographic research can help. This type of research involves talking to people to learn how they think about news and how they process it.

The importance of news is measured by examining the affect a person feels after reading a news story or viewing a news clip. Researchers have found that news that is more personally relevant to individuals has greater negative affect than news that is not personally relevant. For example, Blazarotti and Ciceri (2014) found that participants who watched news about threats that were more likely to affect them personally felt more fear.