How to Stop Gambling


Gambling is the act of betting or wagering money on something that has a chance of resulting in a profit or loss. It may involve betting on sports events, casinos, lotteries and gambling games on the Internet.

The most important thing to remember about gambling is that it is inherently risky. It is not a legitimate way to make money, and you are always at risk of losing your money.

Your goal should be to find a way to stop gambling and get help if it becomes a problem for you. This might involve working with a professional therapist or support group. You might also consider self-help tools to give you more control over your gambling and help you to avoid relapse.

You should set boundaries for yourself, such as not allowing yourself to take out more money than you can afford to lose. This should include a budget for your gambling, which you can keep a close eye on. You should also be honest with yourself about your finances, and if you have any problems with money, get help right away.

It’s a good idea to talk about your gambling with someone who you trust, whether this is a family member or a professional counsellor. Taking this step will help you to feel more secure in yourself and less likely to give in to temptation.

Be sure to keep track of your gambling, including how much you spend and when you gamble. This will give you an idea of how long your gambling addiction is going on and when it’s time to cut back or stop.

Identify your triggers and how they affect you, such as spending time with friends who gamble or trying to convince yourself that you are winning. This will help you to understand why you gamble and what keeps you coming back.

Don’t ignore your feelings of anxiety and depression that can sometimes accompany your gambling behaviour, especially if you are worried about losing money. Changing your lifestyle to reduce the stress that might be causing you to gamble will help.

The best place to start is to set a budget for your gambling, based on what you can afford to lose. You can do this by setting a weekly entertainment budget, rather than your phone bill or rent budget.

If you do lose money, don’t chase it – never take out more to try to get it back. This can result in bigger losses and ultimately ruin your life.

You should only gamble with disposable income – the money that is not needed to pay for things like food, utilities or rent. You should not use your savings to gamble and you should not use your credit cards or loans to gamble.

Don’t gamble in places where you are likely to see others gambling, such as clubs or pubs. Instead, you should try to find alternative recreational activities that you can enjoy without gambling.