How to Determine the Value of a News Story


What determines the value of a news story? There are four factors that determine its value: exclusivity, shareability, relevance, and human activity. Each of these factors is important for the public’s attention. Below are some tips to determine the value of a news story:

Factors determining the value of a news story

There are 12 factors that determine whether a news story is valuable. These factors are cumulative or compensatory. The more of one factor that a story possesses, the more newsworthy it is. Similarly, if one factor is missing, the other factors compensate for the lack. In other words, a newsworthy story may not be worth its news value if a prominent or distant person has committed a violent crime.


There is a lot of talk in news circles about the importance of exclusivity. Those who rely on newspapers for their world news no longer get exclusive stories and information. They look for context and the impact of events on the world in news reports. However, there is still a way to ensure exclusive content on newscasts. One way to ensure exclusivity in newscasts is to define the terms. There are many different definitions of exclusivity, including what is news and what is not.


This article explores the Shareability of news, which is the ability of news to be spread through the Internet. While it is easy to find news online, the problem of sharing information on social media can be a challenge. As a result, we will explore the ways in which news can be shared to make sure it’s not just hype. Here are some of the ways in which news can be shared:

Relevance to human activity

A recent study sought to identify the factors that drive the relevance of news to human activity. Based on discussions and findings of participants, the study found that news is relevant when it is relevant to an individual’s life. Among other factors, people find news stories relevant if they relate to their job, family, or leisure activities. The relevance of news to a person’s life can affect his or her decision-making process.


Recent research has shown a disconnect between the accuracy judgment of news and its sharing intention. Participants can distinguish between true and false headlines, but this doesn’t translate into sharing. Even though most participants say they want to spread only accurate news, they often share misinformation. Researchers suspect that personality factors, including animosity towards political opponents, play a role in sharing misinformation. Inattention to news accuracy may also play a role.


When calculating the reliability of news, we should look at the neighbourhoods that each news website has. The broader news ecosystem contains a wide range of news websites, and it is difficult to determine which of these are more reliable. Several examples are shown below. For instance, the Daily Mail is often cited as being unreliable, but this does not necessarily reflect the quality of its reporting. It is included in the UK news ecosystem, and has a low reliability score with 0.18 of its neighbours.


In recent years, many politicians have expressed dissatisfaction with the mass media, and it’s not uncommon for people to express their opinions in the press. But, unlike politicians, journalists have not shown as much self-criticism as other elements of society. While 60% of U.S. journalists feel that their news organization is doing a good job, only half believe that the quality of news reporting has declined. Further, half of these journalists feel that there are too many factual errors in news reports. This study, carried out by the Pew Research Center, found that journalists are less self-critical than politicians.

Public trust

A recent Reuters study found that public trust in news is low in the majority of G-20 countries. The study, conducted by the Reuters Institute for Study of Journalism at Oxford, surveyed 92,000 news consumers across 46 countries. The highest level of trust was seen in Finland. The United States, however, fared worse than countries like Poland, the Philippines, and Peru. In addition to this, the study found that public trust in news was low in the Philippines.