How to Write Business News

business news

Business news is a type of journalism that reports on the financial, economic and commercial aspects of the world. Generally, it is published in newspapers and magazines, but also appears on the Internet, radio and television. This news can be of a global or local nature. It can include commentary, analysis and opinion as well as factual reporting.

The first step in writing business news is to determine what you want to report on. In addition, you must decide who your audience is. While most business news will have a broad appeal, it is important to target your audience as specifically as possible. This can be determined by your website’s demographic or the location of the business you are writing about.

Once you have a clear idea of what you want to write about, the next step is research. While many business news articles may seem to be a simple rehash of information already published, good business news writers will try to uncover new or unique aspects of the story. The best way to do this is to interview a source that is directly involved with the subject of your article. This could be a business owner or manager who can offer insight into the reason for market changes, or a person who has a personal anecdote that can shed light on how a certain policy might affect people.

When interviewing a business or finance related source it is important to disclose that you are an author and to state what your relationship is to the topic of the article. This will help ensure that your reader is getting an unbiased view of the situation. If you are concerned about revealing your identity, consider using an anonymizer software program to protect your name and location.

Once you have gathered your facts, it is time to write the actual news story. When constructing your piece, it is important to keep in mind the inverted pyramid structure. The first paragraph of your story should contain the most important information in a way that is easy to read and understand. Then you can provide additional information in a second paragraph. This information should be backed up with quotes from sources that are knowledgeable about the topic, and then you can close your story with a summary of the main points in your article. For additional information about using Library of Congress resources for business news research, please see the Research Guides available on this site or ask a librarian. Alternatively, you can use the Online Reference Desk or email us with your questions.